Free Activities for Carolyn Cutler Hughes Books
The Living Tree
Read the story
Talk about the 4 seasons listed in the book
Draw your favorite activity, that you like to do, during each season.
Talk about the type of trees you have in your area
Color a Free Tree Coloring Page and add leaves
Draw each tree in your area
Count leaves on each page of the book
Color a Free Leaf Page, cut them out (in squares) and count the leaves
Color a Free Leaf Page (in different colors), cut them out (in squares) and sort the leaves by color
Copy and color several Free Sorting Leaves Coloring Pages, cut them out and sort by leaf type or color
Go outside and count leaves
Talk or write about how trees change during each season
Grow a tree – watch the tree grow during the seasons
Plant a tree in memory of someone
Talk or write how you would feel if you were this tree
Talk about what types of things could you do to make yourself feel better as this tree
Stand up like a tree and make tree poses with your body
Rainbow Bridge
Read the story
Talk about your pet you lost
Count all the pets on each page of the book
How many types of pets are there in the book?
Draw your pet
Draw your pet at Rainbow Bridge on the Free Rainbow Bridge Coloring Page 2
Color a Free Rainbow Coloring Page 1 and 2
Get a stuffed animal who looks like your pet, for snuggling
Talk or write about how you think your pet would feel at Rainbow Bridge
Talk or write about how you think your pet wants you to feel
Talk to your other pets about your pet and how they are at Rainbow Bridge
If you get a new pet, talk to them about your pet you lost.
Pretend to be your pet (Get down on all fours and run around happy like you are at Rainbow Bridge)
Read the story
Color a Free Monarch Butterfly Coloring Page
Plant Milkweed, Butterfly Bush, Echinacea, Black-eyed Susan, Lantana, Bluestar, Phlox and others to create a Butterfly Garden
Color a Free Monarch Life Cycle Page
Count the butterflies on each page of the book
Find a Monarch Cocoon - collect the entire plant it is on if possible – bring it home and keep it watered – observe it until it hatches
Roll yourself up in a blanket or sheet to create a cocoon – always leave the top open for air
Create butterfly wings using large paper bags or material – run around the back yard flapping your wings like a butterfly
If there has been a passing, talk or write about how your loved one would be like the butterfly in the book
After coloring the Monarch Coloring Sheet (to represent your loved one), cut it out and paste it above your bed so they will always be with you
Plant a Butterfly Bush in memory of your loved one
Fat Kitty’s 12 Days of Christmas
Read the story
Talk or write about what you think a cat would do at your house during Christmas
Count each object that Fat Kitty is playing with on each page
Color a Free Christmas Tree Coloring Page
Pretend to be a kitty– find some safe objects to play with and act like a kitty – but no breaking anything
Color a Free Christmas Ornament Page, cut them out and match the ornaments
Color a Free Christmas Ornament Page, cut them into broken ornaments to make puzzles to put back together
Create your own kitty ornament, for your kitty to play with – take a skein of yarn and roll it around your two fingers, remove your fingers and continue to create a ball – tie to the bottom of your Christmas Tree, attaching an extra piece of yarn for your kitty to play with
Make another ball of yarn and tie it to something stable and safe in your house, then slowly release the ball of yarn to attach it to a second item, then continue to attaching it to several more items – after at least 5 items have been attached – reverse the process and collect the yarn by rolling the yarn back up into a ball
Read the story
Talk or write about how you think the spider, in the story, might feel
Draw a scary spider
Draw a sweet spider
Talk about or write the differences between a scary and a sweet spider
Color a Free Spider with Web Coloring Page
Color the Free Spider Counting Page, cut the spiders out (in squares) and count the number of spiders.
Color the Free Spider Counting Page, color the spiders different colors, cut them out (in squares) and sort the spiders by color.
Create a spider – use 1 black pom pom, 2 googly eyes, 6 pieces of yarn for the legs – glue all together
Make a spider web – use rope, yarn or string, 4 chairs in a circle (the more chairs, the better the spiderweb)– tie the end of the rope/string to a chair, pull string tight to a chair across from it, wrap it once, pull string to another chair until all chairs are covered – now weave the string back and forth through the tight strings from chair to chair
A Butterfly Is Not an Ant
Read the story
Talk or write about the differences between a butterfly and an ant
Color a Free Ant Coloring Page
Go outside and see if you can find an ant that looks like yours: Ask yourself if they are the same color? The same size? How are they different?
Color a Free Karner Blue Butterfly Coloring Page
Go outside and see if you can find a butterfly that looks like yours: (My book will show you the coloring of a Karner Blue Butterfly) Ask yourself if they are the same color? The same size? How are they different?
Talk or write about : Would you rather be a butterfly or an ant?